5 Fun Garden Crafts For Kids
Regardless of whether it’s raining or a bright sunny day, there are plenty of garden crafts to get your kids involved with! It's a great way to spark your children's creative side and teach them about wildlife and bugs at the same time. So if you’re looking for some inspiration for garden crafts for kids, here are some ideas your kids (and you) will love:
Thumb Print Flower Pots
A great way to make use of your child's fingerprints, if you don't mind them getting paint everywhere. Mom Always Finds a Way has instructions on how to create some different ideas, but if a fairly simple activity if you want to just give it a go. Buy some small terracotta plant pots and some different coloured paints, using your child's thumb to create the body of a bee, a ladybug or the wings of a butterfly. With some small paintbrushes after, you can add some colourful detail with spots and strips and see what your kids comes up with!
Ladybug Rocks
It might take a trip to a store or a pebble beach, but if you can get some smooth rocks together, this is a really fun garden craft idea for kids. Paint the rocks in any bright fun colour and give them some time to dry after, then, you can either use black paint or a highlighter to colour in a semi-circle for the head and add some spots on the body. To finish it off, add some googly eyes to give you ladybugs some character, all you need to do now if find a nice home around the garden for them. Tip, they like to hide in brushes and near flowers usually.
Indoor Caterpillar
Like the Ladybug, you’re going to need some rocks to paint, but this time you can look for some funky shapes and sizes, to an extent. Finding five rocks of a similar size to each other and a slightly smaller one then painting different patterns on each of them is how you get started. Add some zig-zag lines, stripes, spots and anything else they can think of to the 5 bigger rocks, then paint a smile and eyes on the smaller rock. You can then put three of the more balanced rocks on the ground and assemble the caterpillar by glueing the other two rocks to the bottom 3 and then add the head. If you can find some small stick outside too, they'll make great antennas for you kids new friend!
Owl Bird Feeder
You’ll have to help your child get started with this particular garden craft. Using a juice or milk carton, cut wings out of the sides of it and a hole for the tummy (big enough for a bird to poke their head into) and then you can help guide your child for the rest. Start off by painting the owl in a fun colour, then add an ice lolly stick beneath the owls cut out tummy, this is for birds to stand on while having some food. All you need to do now is find some large lids and then some slightly smaller ones to create the big eyes of an owl. Red Ted Art shows the perfect way to create this idea!
Garden crafts for kids are a great way to learn about your children and how they think about creative activities. The end products are really fun and you’ll likely find that they will want to do more in the future!